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Welcome gift: 4 free scores

Subscribe to our newsletter and receive as a welcome gift 4 free scores:
- Weihnachtsgefühl (Christmas Mood)
- Richard Strauss - arr. Herman Jeurissen:
for  6 horns in F
Swing that, Bach! - J.S. Bach - arr. Jens De Pauw:
for percussion trio
- Safe & Sound 
- Seppe Roosen:
for solo instrument with play along and rehearsal track
- Sparks of Youth 
- Ward Dierick:
for concert band

Discover live performances, scoreplays, and study tracks of our sheet music on the Golden River Music YouTube Channel.

Joos Creteur

photo CreteurJoos2After his studies at the Heilig Hart College in Waregem and at the municipal academy of the same town, Joos went to Leuven, to the Lemmens Institute. There he obtained, besides a first prize in solfège, the diplomas of Laureate clarinet (with Mr. Jos Wijnen), Laureate chamber music (with Mr. Paul Dombrecht, Mr. Hans Mannes and Mr. Paul Beelaerts) and a first prize in written harmony (with Mr. Paul Steegmans). This was later supplemented by a master's degree in clarinet and chamber music.

Professionally, he teaches clarinet, instrumental ensemble and ensemble at the Stedelijke Kunstacademie in Waregem.

As a clarinetist, he was associated with the Ebony Quartet, a clarinet quartet active in contemporary music at home and abroad. Even now he takes every opportunity to come out as a clarinetist, whether as a soloist, chamber music or hafabra world.

Joos is also active as a conductor within this hafabra world. For 15 years now, he has been the conductor of the royal harmony "de eendracht" in Ingooigem as well as of the harmony of the same name in Anzegem. He also plays in several orchestras.

With his compositions, Joos tries to create music that is easy on the ear, yet rich enough to keep students in part-time art education interested.

List of available scores

Featured composers

photo VerhaertSteven 100x111Steven Verhaert

photo MinneboStefStef Minnebo

photo MinneboStef
Herman Jeurissen

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