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Welcome gift: 4 free scores

Subscribe to our newsletter and receive as a welcome gift 4 free scores:
- Weihnachtsgefühl (Christmas Mood)
- Richard Strauss - arr. Herman Jeurissen:
for  6 horns in F
Swing that, Bach! - J.S. Bach - arr. Jens De Pauw:
for percussion trio
- Safe & Sound 
- Seppe Roosen:
for solo instrument with play along and rehearsal track
- Sparks of Youth 
- Ward Dierick:
for concert band

Discover live performances, scoreplays, and study tracks of our sheet music on the Golden River Music YouTube Channel.

Jan Decadt

photo DecadtJan_1The Flemish composer Jan Decadt died at the age of eighty. He was born June 21, 1914 in ypres and studied orchestration and composition with Jean Absil.

He had great influence since 1945 as director of the Music Academy ‘Peter Benoit’ in Harelbeke, and was also teaching composition at the Royal Conservatory of Ghent and teacher of fugue at the Antwerp Conservatory.

Decadt was also active at ‘Youth and Music’, SABAM (from which he received an award in 1986), the Union of Belgian composers, the Cultural Council for Flanders and numerous commissions for musical life in Belgium.

As a composer he enjoys European fame with a series of symphonic works including ‘Sire Halewijn’ and especially the ‘Musical monograph Octave Landuyt’. Also his chamber works are known, such as ‘The small planet’ on a text by Karel Jonckheere. Other important works are the ‘Permeke Suite’, in which nong-musical data take the lead and the ‘Suite for Trumpet: Market Noise’.


List of available scores

Featured composers

photo VerhaertSteven 100x111Steven Verhaert

photo MinneboStefStef Minnebo

photo MinneboStef
Herman Jeurissen

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