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Welcome gift: 4 free scores

Subscribe to our newsletter and receive as a welcome gift 4 free scores:
- Weihnachtsgefühl (Christmas Mood)
- Richard Strauss - arr. Herman Jeurissen:
for  6 horns in F
Swing that, Bach! - J.S. Bach - arr. Jens De Pauw:
for percussion trio
- Safe & Sound 
- Seppe Roosen:
for solo instrument with play along and rehearsal track
- Sparks of Youth 
- Ward Dierick:
for concert band

Discover live performances, scoreplays, and study tracks of our sheet music on the Golden River Music YouTube Channel.

Ward Dierick

Ward DierickWard Dierick attained his diplomas in piano and trumpet from the Kunstacademie Ter Beuken - Lokeren in 2019. Subsequently, he embarked on his classical trumpet studies under the tutelage of Steven Devolder at KASK & Conservatorium Gent. Since 2017, he has also been pursuing composition studies with Simon Depoorter and Pieter Corten. Additionally, he is honing his skills in conducting under the guidance of Bart Picqueur.

Currently serving as a brass instructor at Muziekschool De Pinte, Ward assumed the role of principal cornet at Festival Brass Band in 2021.

Ward's prowess as a composer garnered him laurels in The Times Composition Competition, a platform for young composers, with subsequent performances and recordings by the esteemed Hermes Ensemble. Notably, his composition was chosen as the set piece for Brassband Zele at the Belgian Brass Band Championship.

In 2021, Ward undertook the task of arranging a musical commissioned by Poolster Producties, slated for performance later in the year. Additionally, he composed "Pegasus," a symphonic poem, set to be performed by the Koninklijke Harmonie St Cecilia Zele later this year.

List of available scores

Featured composers

photo VerhaertSteven 100x111Steven Verhaert

photo MinneboStefStef Minnebo

photo MinneboStef
Herman Jeurissen

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