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Welcome gift: 4 free scores

Subscribe to our newsletter and receive as a welcome gift 4 free scores:
- Weihnachtsgefühl (Christmas Mood)
- Richard Strauss - arr. Herman Jeurissen:
for  6 horns in F
Swing that, Bach! - J.S. Bach - arr. Jens De Pauw:
for percussion trio
- Safe & Sound 
- Seppe Roosen:
for solo instrument with play along and rehearsal track
- Sparks of Youth 
- Ward Dierick:
for concert band

Discover live performances, scoreplays, and study tracks of our sheet music on the Golden River Music YouTube Channel.

Leonello Capodaglio

Leonello CapodaglioLeonello Capodaglio was born and lives in Lendinara, in the Venice region of Italy. Of French descent, he studied in Venice with Gino Gorini (piano), Gian Francesco Malipiero and Ugo Amendola (composition), Franco Ferrara (orchestral conducting) Egida Giordani Sartori (harpsichord) and Pellegrino Ernetti (prepolyphony).
Following his career as pianist, composer, harpsichordist and conductor, he was director of the Adria State Conservatory of Music and director of several chamber music ensembles and symphony orchestras. He won prizes in national and international composition competitions for anonymous works and was chairman or commissioner in numerous competitions, including the prestigious "V. Bucchi" in Rome.
He is the author of 528 opus numbers composed in tonal style, 407 of which have been published by 51 publishers in Italy, France, Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Spain, the U.S. and Canada. Furthermore, he boasts over 300 performances of his music in Italy and the rest of the world, also with television broadcasts, several discographies, with ten albums, and a constant presence of performances on YouTube.
The most notable compositions are the operas Fornarina, Callìroe, Fanny, three sacred oratorios, six suites for orchestra and La Beltà, La Gratia, two series of six concertos for soloist and orchestra. He also published fifteen collections of poetry and prose.
As a musicologist, he discovered the phonochromatic technique used by Antonio Vivaldi. This discovery was presented in a conference at the Chamber of Deputies in Rome. His biography appears in many Italian, German, French and English dictionaries and on dozens of Web pages.

List of available scores

Featured composers

photo VerhaertSteven 100x111Steven Verhaert

photo MinneboStefStef Minnebo

photo MinneboStef
Herman Jeurissen

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