Brave Belgians - vol. I - Ghentian Songs
Martin-Joseph Mengal: Sixième duo pour piano et cor (c. 1820)
Martin-Joseph Mengal: Romance du 1° concerto (c. 1820)
Gustaaf Pape: Ev..
Brave Belgians of the Belle Époque - A study of the late-romantic Ghent horn playing tradition
Brave Belgians - vol. I - Ghentian Songs
Martin-Joseph Mengal: Sixième duo pour pi..
for horn and piano
Martin-Joseph Mengal: Sixième duo pour piano et cor (c. 1820)
Martin-Joseph Mengal: Romance du 1° concerto (c. 1820)
Gustaaf Pape: Evening Prayer - Avondbede..
for horn and piano
Léopold Wallner: Romance (Ghent Version, 1890)
Charles De Waele: A Travers Bois (1889)
Jenny Van Rysselberghe: Rêverie (1904)
Robert Guillemyn: Cha..
for horn and piano
Joseph Ryelandt: Sonata in E, opus 18
Robert Herberigs: Cyrano de Bergerac (1912)
Jules Bouquet: Sonata (1942)
Maurits Deroo: Two Sketche..
for horn and piano
Jean-Toussaint Radoux: Méditation (1899)
Auguste Dupont: Intermezzo-Barcarolle (1877)
Charles Gaucet: Concertino (1893)
Edmond Weber: Duo pour Cor et Harpe (c. ..
for horn ensemble (with download code for parts)
Joseph Ryelandt: Zomeravond (Summer Evening), for Horn Quartet (c. 1897)
Paul Gilson: Petite Suite, for Horn Quartet (1889)
Jules Berleur:&nb..
‘Brave Belgians of the Belle Époque’ is an artistic case study that unravels the paradigm of a flourishing legacy of horn playing in Ghent at the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentie..