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  • Graupner - GWV 201 Trio Sonata in C major - Score | Partitur & Parts | Stimmen
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Score | Partitur & Parts | Stimmen of Trio Sonata in C major GWV 201 for Bassoon, Bass Chalumeau, and Basso continuo. Score 9 p. and 3 parts.

A unique pairing of instruments, and unparalleled in the repertoire, is that of bassoon and bass chalumeau which he used for the upper parts of the Trio Sonata GWV 201. Graupner loved darker timbres and repeatedly combined lower instruments.

Score | Partitur & Parts | Stimmen des Triosonate in C-dur GWV 201 für Fagott, Basschalumeau und Basso continuo. Partitur 9 S. und 3 Stimmen.

Eine singuläre Kopplung, die in der Literatur ansonsten ihresgleichen sucht, ist jene von Fagott und Basschalumeau als Oberstimmenpaar im Trio GWV 201. Graupner liebte die dunkleren Klangfarben und kombinierte immer wieder tiefere Instrumente miteinander.

Graupner - GWV 201 Trio Sonata in C major - Score | Partitur & Parts | Stimmen

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Edited by: Ursula Kramer & Florian Heyerick
Christoph Graupner
Difficulty level
Bassoon, Bass Chalumeau, and Basso continuo
Publisher: Cydonia Editions & Christoph-Graupner-Gesellschaft Darmstadt - Distribution: Golden River Music
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In Stock
  • 11.32€ ex tax

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