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  • Over kwetsbaarheid en vertrouwen - Liedcyclus Felix Timmermans
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For high voice and piano - only in Dutch - this song cycle contains 4 songs, score 9 p.
Timmermans' internalized poetry speaks from a spiritual feeling about homesickness, vulnerability, doubt, restlessness, longing, wonder, surrender and trust. Peter Pázmány expresses the poems in intimate, often melancholy song melodies, supported by an atmospheric, dreamy rippling piano accompaniment.

Creation of the songs by soprano Danny Van Hoof and pianist Bart Meuris on April 23, 2022, at a concert to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the death of Felix Timmermans.

Over kwetsbaarheid en vertrouwen - Liedcyclus Felix Timmermans

Product Code:
Peter Pazmany (M) Felix Timmermans (T)
Difficulty level
high voice and piano
© Golden River Music
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In Stock
  • 7.55€ ex tax

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