The album piece for piano, Ankunft bei den schwarzen Schwänen, was written by Richard Wagner in Paris in 1861. It was dedicated to Anna, Countess of Pourtalès, wife of the Prussian consul in Paris, in remembrance of the warm hospitality the composer received at the embassy after the disastrous Paris performances of Tannhäuser. The title refers to the two black swans in the pool in the garden of the villa. The small, exquisite yet uncomplicated piano composition could be adapted for brass ensemble without significant modifications.
For brass quintet and (opt.) timpani, score 10 p. and parts.
The Steven Verhaert Brass Series offers a diverse collection of unforgettable compositions by renowned masters, arranged for b..
For brass ensemble - score 48 p. & parts. In the audio sample, you can listen to excerpts from this piece.
The Piano Sonata that Wagner composed in the summer of 1853 is a lesser-known work ..
For brass ensemble - score 14 p. & parts.
Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg (1863-1867) is Richard Wagner's only comic opera among his mature music dramas. Set in 16th-century Nuremberg, the story d..
Lohengrin: Lohengrin's Arrival, King's Prayer, Divine Judgement and Triumphant Song for brass ensemble and percussion - score 58 p. & parts.
Richard Wagner's opera Lohengrin (1848) is based on th..