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Gemengd Ensemble

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All's well that ends well

All's well that ends well

mixed ensemble (7 voices)- voice 1: Bb clar - flute - oboe- voice 2: Bb clar - oboe- voice 3: Bb clar- voice 4: Bb clar- voice 5: Bb clar - Eb alto clar - Eb altsax- voice 6: F horn - Bb clar - Eb alt..


Basses in the front

Basses in the front

2 Bb clarinets, trombone and double bass..


Blue Rondo à la Turk - woodwind quintet (worldwide except USA/Japan)

Blue Rondo à la Turk - woodwind quintet (worldwide except USA/Japan)

woodwind quintet (fl, ob, clar, hrn, bassoon)..


Impromptu nr.2

Impromptu nr.2

mixed woodwind/brass (4 parts; various combinations possible )..


Titeres (Poppen)

Titeres (Poppen)

10 delige suite (ballet) for blazers en percussievoor 2 fluiten, 2 klarinetten, hobo, fagot, trompet, hoorn, glockenspiel, xylophoon and percussie..


Venetiaans Gondellied-Venetian Gondolo Song

Venetiaans Gondellied-Venetian Gondolo Song

mixed woodwind/brass (4 parts; various combinations possible )..


Wood you

Wood you

houtblaaskwartet (fluit, hobo, klarinet, fagot) ..


Weergeven 1 t/m 7 van in totaal 7

Componisten in de kijker

photo VerhaertSteven 100x111Steven Verhaert

photo MinneboStef
Stef Minnebo

photo MinneboStef
Herman Jeurissen

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