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  • Vademecum - bass trombone and brass band
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Voor bastrombone and brass band, partituur 91 blz. en partijen.

Vademecum werd gecomponeerd in opdracht van Metropole Brass Brand en opgedragen aan Geert De Vos. Het concerto is een ode aan drie verschillende facetten van de bastrombone: zijn donker, hard en agressief karakter - zijn lyrisch, melodieus en romantisch karakter - zijn speelse, virtuoze capaciteiten.
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Dr. Denson Paul Pollard over Wim Bex en Vademecum:
'Having met Wim Bex on several occasions is that he is a genius! His piece Vademecum for bass trombone is a very beautiful and complex three movement composition that has been very well received by the trombone community! The interesting thing is that it was his very first composition!! When I asked him about his method and why he chose to compose a piece for his instrument (he is a bass trombone by the way), he said that he had been storing up ideas for a composition in his brain for a while ... and with Vademecum, he put them all on paper! It is a very fun composition to play!'
Pollard is professor of music in trombone in Indiana University Jacobs School of Music.

Op ons YouTube kanaal vind je een playlist met verschillende uitvoeringen van dit stuk:

Vademecum - bass trombone and brass band

Bex Wim
Difficulty level
bastrombone en brass band: B. tbn., Sop. Cnt., Solo Cnt., Rep. Cnt., 2nd Cnt., 3rd Cnt., Flug., Solo Hn., 1st Hn., 2nd Hn., 1st Bar., 2nd Bar., 1st Tbn., 2nd Tbn., 1st Euph., 2nd Euph., Eb. Bass., Bb Bass., Timp., Perc. 1, Perc. 2, Bongos, Congas, Tri., Xyl.
© Golden River Music
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Op voorraad
  • 113,21€ ex tax

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