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  • Mozart - 2 Concert Studies | Due Solfeggi KV 393, No. 2 & 3 for horn in E-flat and organ (piano) - Collection Herman Jeurissen
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For horn in E-flat and organ (piano) - score 9 p., horn part

This edition of 2 Concert Studies for horn and organ (piano) is based on two of the four Solfeggios (1782-1783) that Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart dedicated to his beloved wife Constanze - 'Per la mia cara consorte'. They are not only excellent study pieces for the singer, but also eminent concert studies for any horn player studying Mozart's horn concertos. All kinds of scales and arpeggios, long phrases, clear articulations, big leaps, trills, not to mention stamina training are all elements indispensable for the preparation of K. 417 and K. 495.

With the purchase of this work from the Collection Herman Jeurissen, you will receive this arrangement for free: Bruckner - Aequale & Steiermärker for 4 horns in F

Mozart - 2 Concert Studies | Due Solfeggi KV 393, No. 2 & 3 for horn in E-flat and organ (piano) - Collection Herman Jeurissen

Product Code:
Herman Jeurissen
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Difficulty level
horn in E-flat and organ (piano)
© Golden River Music
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In Stock
  • 9.43€ ex tax

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