For horn in E-flat and organ (piano) - score 9 p., horn part
This edition of 2 Concert Studies for horn and organ (piano) is based on two of the four Solfeggios (1782-1783) that Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart dedicated to his beloved wife Constanze - 'Per la mia cara consorte'. They are not only excellent study pieces for the singer, but also eminent concert studies for any horn player studying Mozart's horn concertos. All kinds of scales and arpeggios, long phrases, clear articulations, big leaps, trills, not to mention stamina training are all elements indispensable for the preparation of K. 417 and K. 495.
For 2 horns - score 13 p.
The present collection of horn duets is based on miscellaneous movements from operas and oratorios by Georg Friedrich Händel (1685-1759). The first five pieces are taken fro..
For horn in D and organ (cembalo, piano) score 6 p., horn part
Georg Friedrich Handel (1685-1759) composed his "magical" opera Amadigi di Gaula in 1715. Noteworthy is Amadigi's aria from the third ac..
For horn in F and organ, score 3 p., horn part
Georg Friedrich Händel (1685-1759) wrote a considerable amount of church music in the Anglican tradition. His paraphrase of the German hymn Jesu me..
For 6 horns in F - score 6 p. & parts
Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy wrote an enormous amount of exquisite vocal music in his short life. The song Der Jäger Abschied (Farewell of the Hunters) O..
For 7 horns in F - score 8 p. & parts
The Wunderhorn songs of Gustav Mahler (1860-1911) are among his most performed pieces; however, the song Nicht Wiedersehen! (We shall never see one another a..
For brass ensemble - score 48 p. & parts. In the audio sample, you can listen to excerpts from this piece.
The Piano Sonata that Wagner composed in the summer of 1853 is a lesser-known work ..
For horn in E (F) and organ, score 8 p., horn part in E and part in F for less advanced players.
The Belgian/French composer César Franck (Liège, 1822 – Paris, 1890) is best known today for his&..
For 12 horns or more - score 47 p. & parts.
Richard Wagner's opera Tannhäuser is based on a 16th-century legend: knight Tannhäuser, out of remorse, leaves the cave of the goddess of love Venus an..
For brass ensemble - score 14 p. & parts.
Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg (1863-1867) is Richard Wagner's only comic opera among his mature music dramas. Set in 16th-century Nuremberg, the story d..
First performance edition, for 4 horns in F - score 4 p. & parts.
Andante & Jagdstück are based on several sketches by Ludwig van Beethoven, which are housed in the British Library in London...
For 5 horns in E (F) - score 4 p. & parts.
In the oeuvre of Richard Strauss (1864-1949), the horn plays a prominent role. His father, Franz Strauss (1822-1905), was a famous horn player in his ti..
For 2 horns - score 7 p.
The German music theorist Johann Philipp Kirnberger (1721-1783) is primarily renowned for his role as the collector and publisher of numerous organ works by his teacher Johan..