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  • Wagner - Tannhäuser | Tannhäusers Bußfahrt, Jagdmusik und Pilcherchor for 12 horns or more - Collection Herman Jeurissen
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For 12 horns or more - score 47 p. & parts.

Richard Wagner's opera Tannhäuser is based on a 16th-century legend: knight Tannhäuser, out of remorse, leaves the cave of the goddess of love Venus and travels with a large group of pilgrims to Rome to ask the pope for forgiveness. The pope refuses, but thanks to St Elisabeth's willingness to sacrifice, the opera ends with his redemption. This concert paraphrase is based on the major pilgrim scenes; the count's hunting party serves as an interlude. Wagner's original instrumentation for 12 horns of the hunting scene forms the basis for this arrangement. The ensemble is divided into three quartets. The third quartet can be performed by four wagnertubas ad lib. The second quartet can be augmented in the concluding Pilgrims’ chorus at will; the hunting music comes out best when played by a second 12-headed horn group back stage. In this form, the work was performed at its premiere in Amsterdam's Muziekgebouw aan het IJ in 2007.

With the purchase of this work from the Collection Herman Jeurissen, you will receive this arrangement for free: Bruckner - Aequale & Steiermärker for 4 horns in F

Wagner - Tannhäuser | Tannhäusers Bußfahrt, Jagdmusik und Pilcherchor for 12 horns or more - Collection Herman Jeurissen

Product Code:
Herman Jeurissen
Richard Wagner
Difficulty level
12 horns in F
Golden River Music
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Order #
In Stock
  • 47.17€ ex tax

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