Anton Bruckner composed the Festkantate Preiset den Herrn, lobsingt seinem heiligen Namen in 1862. The choral part from this work was arranged at the beginning of the 20th century by the Viennese horn player Karl Stiegler under the name Angelusläuten. The preceding song for a quartet of male voices and its introduction also lend themselves perfectly to an arrangement for horn ensemble. The introduction in particular foreshadows the long melodic lines in his symphonies. The arrangement also offers a fairly simple but well-sounding first introduction to Bruckner's oeuvre.
In 2024, we celebrate the 200th anniversary of Anton Bruckner's birth. A great opportunity to pay extra attention to this composer, widely known for the magnificent horn parts in his symphonies and with the purchase of this work from the Collection Herman Jeurissen, you will receive this arrangement for free: Bruckner - Aequale & Steiermärker for 4 horns in F
For 8 horns in F - score 11 p. & parts
Anton Bruckner's secular works for male choir a capella lend themselves perfectly to transcriptions for horn ensembles. Das Hohe Lied (The High Song, 1876..
For 6 horns in F - score 8 p. & parts
Anton Bruckner (1824-1896) was deeply rooted in the religious traditions of the Roman Catholic Church. He set the Ave Maria to music three times during his l..
First performance edition of an orignal sketch, for 4-part horn choir - score 4 p. & parts.
Around 1790, Ludwig van Beethoven extensively sketched harmonic variations on the Gregorian m..
This piece is offered complimentary with the purchase of another work in the Collection Herman Jeurissen. The score and parts of Aequale & Steiermärker are available for digital delivery only..
First performance edition, for 4 horns in F - score 4 p. & parts.
Andante & Jagdstück are based on several sketches by Ludwig van Beethoven, which are housed in the British Library in London...