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  • Schumann - 2 Scenes from Manfred for horn in F and piano - Collection Herman Jeurissen
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For horn in F and piano - score 5 p., horn part

Robert Schumann was very attracted to the supernatural, gothic elements in the work of English poet Lord Byron and felt a strong kinship with the protagonist in Byron's semi-autobiographical poem Manfred (1817). His incidental music to Manfred does not include major horn solos, but the music to Manfreds Ansprache an Astarte (Manfred's invocation to Astarte) clearly pre-echoes the introduction from the Adagio and Allegro op. 70. Schumann's Alpenkuhreigen depicts the idyllic setting in which Manfred wants to end his life. The Alpenkuhreigen, the traditional melody played on the alpine horn by Swiss shepherds as they gathered their cattle at sunset, obviously lends itself perfectly to a transcription for horn.

With the purchase of this work from the Collection Herman Jeurissen, you will receive this arrangement for free: Bruckner - Aequale & Steiermärker for 4 horns in F

Schumann - 2 Scenes from Manfred for horn in F and piano - Collection Herman Jeurissen

Product Code:
Herman Jeurissen
Robert Schumann
Difficulty level
horn in F and piano
© Golden River Music
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In Stock
  • 8.20€ ex tax

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